Campus News News

Make Room for Luke Christopher

Kevin Moss

Assistant A&E Editor

Drake isn’t as good as you think he is. Now don’t jump down my throat for this because I’m not saying he’s terrible or untalented. I’m just saying there are people out there who have the same style and do it better.

One of those people is Luke Christopher. This 18-year-old wordsmith is able to put to­gether some of the best music I’ve heard in quite some time when it comes to the hip-hop world. This Los Angeles native throws his heart and soul into each one of his songs, making for quite inspirational music.

I can only imagine that someone so young and so tal­ented is headed to the top. He’s released multiple singles and has recently dropped the mix-tape Building Skies part 2. Christopher has the potential to be big; I’m talking J. Cole, Drake and Big Sean-big. He sounds similar to the top tal­ent in the game, but is saying way more than any of these big names could.

You can tell through his music that it’s not about the money or the girls. To Christo­pher, his music is a window to his experiences and thoughts, his struggles to make it and his ability to speak his mind. I’ve found myself replaying tracks like “Letter to Myself” and “Rooftops” over and over again.

I recommend you download and listen to any of his music that you can get your hands on. He’s going to be the next big thing, and I’m just try­ing to help you, so when your friends start listening to him a year from now, you can say you heard him a while ago.

For more music knowledge from Kevin Moss check out his blog Snapbackrap.

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